Creating Outreach Programs

How to begin reaching out to people you want to connect with.

Reaching Out to People - Creating Outreach Programs is currently designed for pre-planned outreach activities (although we are working on catering for users wanting to do ad-hoc outreach as well - more on that in due course). Think of a Program like a Campaign - a pre-planned outreach activity to a pre-defined group of contacts. Creating a program is where you setup/configure your outreach plan. It involves capturing the details required to prepare a program for launch e.g. the purpose of your program, the contacts you are targeting, your outreach strategy and touchpoint messaging, who your sender will be/who your outreach messaging will be coming from etc. has a series of guided steps and input prompts to capture this from you (what we call the Create a Program process/workflow). Once your program has been configured and all the necessary information captured, you will be able to approve and launch it. Learn more: How to Create a Program.

Please note: to launch a program requires you to have an active (Paid) subscription. You will be prompted to commence your subscription when you are ready to launch your first outreach program.

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