Any user can setup an outreach program, including on behalf of another user in the team. This allows users to collaborate on the setup of programs and then nominate the who the ultimate owner (who the Sender will be / who the communication will be coming from) will be.
To nominate a Sender for a program you are configuring you must select a valid Sender from the Setup Sender step of the Create a Program process.
Go to the Program Details page of the specific program you are working on.
Once the program has been configured and all the steps have received a Green Tick next to them, you will be able to access the final step 'Review, Approve & Launch'. If the Sender selected for the program is a team member other than yourself, you will not be able to launch the program (programs must be launched by the Sender). Where this is the case, you will see a Request Sender Authorisation button in which there will be a 'Notify Sender' confirmation prompt. Clicking this will send a notification to the intended program Sender who will then be able to review the program details and authorise the launch of the program to begin the outreach.