A contact you upload into Hypadrive.ai will have a 'Current Contact Status'. The Current Contact Status is automatically assigned based on the interaction history between you / your team and the specific contact. A first time contact will have "Can Contact" as their Current Contact Status. This means you are able to include the contact in your outreach programs and communicate with them.
Once you have contacted a contact though, the Current Contact Status of the specific contact will change depending on how they interact with you (including if they do not interact with you).
NOTE 1 : Depending on the use case of your outreach program (e.g. e.g. cold outreach vs inbound vs contacts i know), there are slightly different rules that govern what a contacts Current Contact Status will change to.
NOTE 2 : You can at anytime manually change a contacts Current Contact Status to suit your outreach needs. You may need to do this, for example, to ensure that Hypadrive.ai accurately reflects a contact status following an interaction you had with the contact outside of the platform.
The 'Current Contact Status of a contact can be one of the following:
Which means you are able to include the contact in new outreach programs. No error or conflict messages will be displayed to you.
Which means the contact is currently part of an active outreach program. When a contact is currently engaged, you wont be able to include them in another simultaneous outreach program. You will need to wait for the program they are currently part of to finish before being able to consider including the contact in a new outreach program.
Which means the contact has recently (within the last 30 days) been included in an outreach program. Where this is the case, they will be marked as resting for a period of 30 days, UNLESS they assume another Current Contact Status type based on their interaction with you whilst part of the current program. After 30 days, they will automatically become 'Can Contact' again.
Which means the contact did not want to engage with your offering but they did not specifically unsubscribe or request you to no longer contact them. The conversation between you and the contact reached its natural conclusion - at which point the contact becomes Retired.
Which means the contact has indicted that they wish to be Unsubscribed from future communication from your business. This request can either be provided in writing via response to your outreach or via the unsubscribe link you provide; should they wish to click that.
Which means you or your team members do not want anyone in the team contacting a specific contact. Any contact can be added to the Exclude list. If a contact is on the Exclude list and you or your team member tries to add that user to a new Draft outreach program, you will receive an error message in the Audience Criteria section of your new Draft program and you will either need to change the contacts Current Contact Status manually (or) you will need to remove the contact from your Draft program.
The 'Current Contact Status' system is designed to help you manage contacts, deciding when to contact them and when not to. The system has been designed to optimise recipient experience/protect your business from communication activities that lead to poor recipient experience.
If there is an error with a contact record in your Draft outreach program that will prevent you from being able to include them, you will see details of this error in the caution symbol which will show for the problematic contact record(s). See also FAQ: How do error messages work.