Integrity and authenticity is critically important to - this is core to our brand and business. The world of outbound contact is crowded with a lot of bad actors and people who mean genuine harm onto others (scammers and ill intentioned spammers). There are also a large number of people who create and utilise fake profiles of people who they present to be real - this is a common tactic that is actually illegal, despite being done alot. is designed to support genuine senders looking to connect authentically and appropriately with contacts. Because of this, the identity of our users is critical in order for us to prevent and discourage bad actors from attempting to use our platform for il intentioned objectives. If you are an authentic and genuine sender looking to legitimatly connect with contacts, then verifying your identity should not be an issue.
To verifiy user identity, we use a best in class 3rd party identity verification service/platform called Sum&Substance. They adhere to stringent world class security standards to protect the data on their platform - you can learn more here:
If you no longer wish to have your account with or you no longer work with the company who's Business Account you are a user on, then you are able to delete your account which will delete and remove all identity verifiaction data related to your account.