Can I schedule, stop, pause and/or edit a program?

Yes. You have full control over your programs - when they start and when they stop. You can manage this via the Program Details page of each program you create.

The only action you cannot do is edit a program once it is live (STATUS:Active). This is because edits to Active programs change the dynamic of the program and render reporting information less useful.

Program Status Types

There are 6 program STATUS types, including:


A program being constructed, you can edit it as much as you like until you are happy to launch it.


An approved program that is scheduled to start at some point in the future. You can edit the program at any time until its status is changed to Active.


A program that has been approved for launch and is currently live/Active.


A program has been temporarily paused by you or a team member.


A program that has reached its natural end. All contacts have been reached out to and all contacts have been either retired or handed over for manual management by you.


A program that was stopped by you or one of your team members before it reached its natural end.

NOTE: When you stop a program, you will receive a closing report detailing the status of contacts in relation to the program and how far along contacts were in the automated journey.

For more detail see also FAQ: What happens if I stop a program early?

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